Whether you're recovering from an injury or surgery, suffering every day aches and pains, having difficulty performing activities of daily living, are unable to perform athletic activities, or are just looking to improve how you feel and move, MAC will provide you with a customized treatment plan tailored to your individual needs. With my experience in rehabbing young athletes to elite professionals, I understand the need to treat the entire body as a functional whole, not just your symptoms or injury.
Dry Needling
Cupping Therapy
Instrument Assisted Soft Tissue Mobilization
NormaTec Recovery System
Home Exercise Program
Rehab Exercises
Dry Needling
Dry Needling is a skilled intervention performed by a health care professional. This professional uses a fine filiform needle to penetrate the skin, creating a healing response in the tissue that has been lesioned. Tissues contributing to neuromuscular skeletal dysfunction can be dry needled, including muscle, fascia, tendon, capsule, ligament, peri-neural structures and microvascular structures.
Cupping Therapy
As opposed to most modalities which compress the skin, cupping lifts or distracts the tissue which can be particularly helpful for tightness in muscles such as the back and legs. Cupping can also help stimulate your body's natural healing process by improving vascularity and blood flow in the area.
Instrument-Assisted Soft Tissue Mobilization
IASTM uses tools to precisely detect and treat soft tissue injuries. The use of the metal instrument often provides deeper penetration of tissues, allowing increased blood flow and healing to areas that are tight and painful. This "scraping" technique can be helpful for flexibility, pain, and general recovery.
NormaTec Recovery System
NormaTec Pulse Technology uses dynamic compression to mimic the muscle pump of the legs and arms, greatly enhancing the movement of fluid and metabolites out of the limbs after an intense workout. Many professionals use NormaTec to keep their legs feel fresh and ready for their next round.
Rehab Exercises